B&H Academic’s The Lost Sermons of C.H. Spurgeon Collector’s Edition Vol. 4 edited by scholar Jason G. Duesing, is a stunningly beautiful book; it is ornate in its marble-art design (reflective of Spurgeon’s own sermon notebooks) and delightful in its content. The Lost Sermons set presently stands at four volumes with a projected nine volumes when it is completed.
Jared C. Wilson writes the foreword locating the greatness of Spurgeon’s sermons in his singular focus on Christ.
Duesing argues that Spurgeon’s early sermon outlines and his lifetime of published sermons stands as his towering legacy. The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon are valuable, according to Susannah Spurgeon, “because of their intrinsic merits, but also as the first products of the mind and heart which afterwards yielded so many discourses to the Church and the world, for the glory of God and the good of man.”
Spurgeon’s preaching deepened and was more refined as he got older, however, his theology did not change, especially regarding the doctrines of grace. The glorious old doctrines of God’s sovereign grace preached by Paul, Calvin, the Puritans, and Whitefield are found throughout the 40 year ministry of Spurgeon.
Lost Sermons contains photographs of Spurgeon’s early outlines as well as unique and lovely photos related to his life and ministry.
Though everyone engaged in academic studies regarding Spurgeon will find that Lost Sermons is a “must have” set, all lovers of Spurgeon’s sermons, and/or church history, will find in these unique volumes, nuggets of gospel-wisdom from the writings of young Charles Haddon Spurgeon. The preacher from youth until death was laser focused on preaching the cross of Christ.
Jason Duesing, his excellent team of researchers, and B&H Academic are to be much commended for their precise and helpful contribution to Spurgeon scholarship that provides a legacy volume to be treasured for its content and collected for passing down to the next generation.
I received a free copy of Volume IV from B&H Academic with a promise of reviewing on my blog. I was not required to give a positive review. Order a copy of Lost Sermons from Lifeway.
Ray Rhodes, Jr. is author of Susie: The Life and Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon and Yours, till Heaven: The Untold Love Story of Charles and Susie Spurgeon from Moody Publishers.