Robert Murray M’Cheyne prefaces his excellent Bible reading plan with these words,” It has long been in my mind to prepare a scheme of Scripture reading, in which as many as were made willing by God might agree, so that the whole Bible might be read once by you in the year, and all might be feeding in the same portion of the green pasture at the same time.” (Read his thoughts on the plan as well as see the plan itself here).
I think that, along with a Bible reading plan, reading Spurgeon’s sermons would be a wise investment in your spiritual growth in 2024.
During his London ministry (1854-1892) Spurgeon’s sermons were read by millions of people around the globe and there many testimonies to their usefulness. They are full of Christ, full of Scripture, and full of help for humble readers.
The largest collection of Spurgeon sermons are the 63 volumes that make up The New Park Street Pulpit/The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit. Though there are some folks who have read all of the sermons contained in the 63 volumes, for most people, that task is too daunting. This led me to develop a simple 60 Day Spurgeon Reading Plan. What is this plan and what are its benefits? I am glad you asked.
The Plan
- Read one sermon a day 5 days a week for each month. That makes for 20 sermons a month. This leaves 10-11 days for other readings and to work in one additional sermon each month over the course of three months to get to a total of 63 by the end of 3 months.
- Read from a different volume each day until you get through all 63 volumes. I suggest that you read the first sermon from each vol and if at the end of 60 days you decide to continue with the plan, then you simply move to the 2nd sermon. This will simplify the process for you. FIND THE SERMONS HERE. The New Park Street Pulpit starts with Vol 1 through vol 6 and then the Metropolitan Tabernacle starts with vol 7 through vol 63.
- Read the sermons out loud. Sermons are designed to be heard.
Day 1, Vol. 1, sermon 1.
DAY 2, Vol. 2, sermon 1.
DAY 3, Vol 3, sermon 1. And remember you have 3 months to add in 3 sermons to get through all 63 volumes. You could also simplify this plan by simply making this a 63 Day Reading Plan.
Day 4-60, continue reading the first sermon of each volume on each consecutive day. Think, 5 days a week, 20 + 1 sermons a month to get through 63.
- Spurgeon’s sermons drip with the glory and beauty of Jesus and are filled with the gospel and its application. I challenge you to find even one sermon thats not Christ-focused and Gospel-centered. You will learn more of the gospel and its implications by reading Spurgeon’s sermons. Such is life-changing.
BENEFIT: You will get to know the gospel better.
2. Spurgeon is one of the most beloved and influential figures in all of Christian history. Reading from every volume of his sermons will give you a perspective of his progress as a preacher from 1855 until his death in 1892.
BENEFIT: You will get to know Spurgeon better. His example is a worthy one to follow.
3. Spurgeon’s sermons often provide insights into the times in which he lived, helping you to both better understand his times and to see how he applied his sermons to those times.
Benefit: You will get to know Spurgeon’s times better. Context is always helpful to understanding.
Learn more about Christ, the Gospel, God’s Servant Charles Spurgeon, and the times in which he lived by reading from every volume of his sermons in 60 days. I would love to hear from you along the way.
NOTE: We hear that all of Spurgeon’s sermons are being reprinted. We have confirmed that our friends at A Pilgrim’s Coffer are reprinting them with new type and in Victorian-style covers. Volume one will be available soon. We have heard, though not confirmed, that our friends at Reformation Heritage Books are publishing a facsimile of all 63 volumes in beautiful covers. I hope to own both of the new sets when they are available. Presently I am using the Pilgrim Publishers edition, now out of print and only available through used book services.
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