After Charles died, Susie thought much of eternity. She believed that she would enjoy fellowship with Charles in Heaven. She asserted, “I cannot imagine that God will omit from Heaven’s blessedness the brightest and choicest benediction of our earthly life. It is my confident belief that I shall see and know my beloved again in glory, and that there, our earthly love, purified and sanctified, shall continue and maybe, increase in the perpetual light of the presence of our King and Saviour.” She requested that her readers pray for her that she would be a “partaker of that blessedness which my beloved now enjoys.” Soon after Charles died, and prior to the transport of his body back to London, a memorial service was held at the Scotch Presbyterian Church in Mentone, where a year earlier he had preached for the opening of the church building. Among the many flowers that were kindly sent for the service, Susie contributed palm branches, a symbol of her confidence that her beloved husband was now “before the throne, and before the Lamb” where he worshiped with the “great multitude,” and she was confident that he was then declaring, “Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.” Susie was applying Revelation 7:10 to the new heavenly context of her husband. It was as natural as breathing for her to employ scriptural descriptors for whatever matter was at hand. Though she did not travel back to London to participate in the numerous memorial services held for Charles, she did send a note along that was attached to his casket. It read, “With Christ, which is far better. I will follow thee, my husband. Undying love from ‘the wife of thy youth.’”

From Susie: The Life and Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon, Wife of Charles Spurgeon.

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