Charles Spurgeon was miles from home preaching in East Yorkshire, however, his heart was with Susie. He wrote her a love-poem.
Over the space that parts us my wife,
I'll cast me a bridge of song,
Our hearts shall meet, O joy of my life,
On its arch unseen, but strong.
The wooer his new love's name may wear
Engraved on a precious stone;
But in my heart thine image I wear
That has long been thine own.
Thy glowing colors on surface laid,
Wash out in a shower of rain;
Thou need'st not be of rivers afraid,
For my love is dyed ingrain.
And as every drop of Garda's lake
Is tinged with sapphire's hue,
So all the powers of my mind partake
Of joy at the thought of you.
The glittering dewdrops of dawning love
Exhale as the day grows old,
And fondness, taking the wings of a dove,
Is gone like a tale of old.
But mine for thee, from the chambers of joy,
With strength came forth as the sun,
Nor life nor death shall its force destroy,
For ever its course shall run.
All earth-born love must sleep in the grave,
To its native dust return;
What God hath kindled shall death out-brave,
And in Heaven itself shall burn.
Beyond and above the wedlock tie
Our union to Christ we feel;
Uniting bonds which were made on high,
Shall hold us when earth shall reel.
Though He who chose us all worlds before,
Must reign in our hearts alone,
We fondly believe that we shall adore
Together before His throne.
Biographer Patrica Kruppa reflected on Charles and Susie’s love story.
“To the end of their lives, they were lovers; and what could be more touching than the two old invalids, she had grown plump and looking slightly absurd wearing the girlish curls, he prematurely tired and aged, yet writing each love poems as though there were still twenty and courting under the dome of the Crystal Palace.“Follow Spurgeon’s example; write a love poem to your lover.